K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014 Gallery 1

K.u.K. Grenzland Rally
Vintage cars are driven from Splita and back via Belgrade marking the100th anniversary of the start of the First World War.
Starts: 09/26/2014
Ends: 2014-10-03
Splita via Belgrade

Images© and story© provided by Ljubomir Ivanovic. Additional images provided by Michael Ruvidič Contact Photographer For Information on Photos of this Event




K.u.K. Grenzland Rally in 2014

Europe and the world are marking the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War, that is, the First World War.

Each countries ideology is based on which side they were on then and now.

The event, titled "K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014", was organized by owners of vintage cars to mark this anniversary.


Evropa i svet obeležavaju 100. godina od početka Velikog rata, I Svetskog rata. Svako na svoj način, u zavisnosti na kojoj strani su bili, koju ideologiju zastupaju i na kojoj strani su sada.

Događaj pod nazivom „K. u K. Grenzland rallye 2014.&ldquo je organizovan kao jedan od načina na koji su neki od vlasnika starovremenskih automobila obeležili ovu godišnjicu. Skraćenica K. u. K., ili K. und K., odnosi se na dvojunu Austrougarsku monarhiju, carsko i kraljevsko.

Prevod sa nemačkog reči grenzland bio bi, otprilike, pogranične zemlje. U svakom slučaju, starovremenska vozila su krenula iz Splita, preko Zagreba i Vukovara, prešla Dunav kod Iloka i otišla do Novog Sada i Petrovaradina, odnosno Petrovaradinske tvrđave. Odatle ka Beogradu, dalje ka Valjevu, Mokroj Gori i Višegradu, dalje ka Sarajevu i Mostaru pa opet do Splita.

  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Abbreviation K.u.K. refers to the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy or Dual State, in Central Europe from 1867 to 1918, and dissolved at the end of World War I. The translation from the German word Grenzland would be approximately the border of the country.

In any case, vintage cars are driven from Splita via Zagreba and Vukovara, cross the Danube near Iloka and then to Novog Sada and Petrovaradina fortress. From there, to Belgrade to Valjevu, then to Mokroj Gori and Višegradu, continuing on to Sarajevu and Mostaru and back to Splita.

click here Alvis 4.3 litre 1936-1937  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Alvis 4.3 litre 1936-1937
The caravan arrived in Belgrade in the afternoon, with the participants staying at the Hotel Moskva, in downtown Belgrade. The vehicles were placed in the garage used by the hotel guests. After breakfast, participants started their vehicles and left Belgrade with little to no fan fare, following a service truck from Valjeva with German license plates.

Alvis 4.3 litre 1936-1937  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Alvis 4.3 litre 1936-1937

Alvis 4.3 litre 1936-1937  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Alvis 4.3 litre 1936-1937

 Alfa Romeo 8C 1935-1938 K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Alfa Romeo 8C 1935-1938

click here  Alvis Speed 25 1937-1940 K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Alvis Speed 25 1937-1940

BMW 319.1 1936-1936  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

BMW 319.1 1936-1936

 BMW 319.1 1936-1936 K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

BMW 319.1 1936-1936

BMW 328 1936-1940  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

BMW 328 1936-1940

click here Bugatti Type 35 1924  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Bugatti Type 35 1924

 Delahey 135 MS 1937 K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Delahey 135 MS 1937

Delahey 135 MS 1937  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Delahey 135 MS 1937

Delahey 135 MS 1937  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Delahey 135 MS 1937

Delahey 135 MS 1937  K.u.K. Grenzland Rally 2014

Delahey 135 MS 1937

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