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Dakar 2016

Dakar 2016 and Gabor Sagmajster: Photos and Stories.

Dakar 2016 Velika Avantura

Sa prvim danima Nove 2016 počinje velika avantura pod nazivom Dakar 2016. Argentina, Bolivija, pa opet Argentina, dve nedelje takmičenja, 13 etapa, oko 9.000 km, pustinja, planine,nadmorska visina i preko 4.500 metara, na pojedinim etapama, velike vrućine i velike hladnoće. Uvek sa mislima da li je poneto dovoljno vode za piće. Motocikli, kvadovi, automobili i kamioni, ukupno prijavljeno skoro 450 ekipa. A da bi ste se našli na startnoj rampi u Argentini osnovni uslov je veliki budžet. Da bi ste stigli na cilj potrebno je i puno sreće.

• From the first days of the new 2016's big adventure the Dakar 2016 running in Argentina, Bolivia, and back in Argentina again, two weeks of competition, 13 stage, about 9,000 km, desert, mountains, altitude over 4,500 meters, at various stages, the heat and extreme cold. Always with the thought that I could carry enough drinking water. Motorcycles, Quad, cars and trucks, reported a total of almost 450 teams.

And to be met at the starting ramp in Argentina basic requirement is a big budget. To reach the goal it is necessary and good luck.

Photos and story provided by Ljubomir Ivanović Contact Photographer for Information.

Gabor Sagmajster Dakar 2016

Naravno, fabričkim timovima i vozačima je neuporedivo lakše. Treniraju cele godine, vozila se stalno usavršavaju, na samom takmičenju imaju veliku prateću ekipu, rezervne delove, relativno udoban smeštaj između etapa, a još su i plaćeni za svoj trud. Privatnici su prinuđeni da se snalaze, jer za njih je sve problem. Moraju, pre svega, da nabave odgovarajuća finansijska sredstva.

Motociklista iz Srbije Gabor Sagmajster startuje po 9. put na ovom takmičenju. Prošle je godine forsirao, pao je i doživeo prelom šake. Ove godine planira da vozi laganije, da taktizira, kako bi završio takmičenje i kako bi što duže bio pod pažnjim medija i na taj način se odužio svojim sponzorima, starim i novim. Ima ih oko 60, mali i veliki. Glavni sponzor mu je AMSS (Auto Moto Savez Srbije). Smatra du mu je realan plasman negde oko 10. mesta među privatnicima, u ukupnom plasmanu oko 40. mesta, među motociklistima.

• Of course, the factory teams and riders are much easier. They train all year, vehicles are constantly trained on the competition have a great supporting team, spare parts, relatively comfortable accommodation between stages, and still are paid for their efforts. Private owners are forced to make do, because for them it is all a problem. They must, above all, to acquire adequate financial resources. Motorcyclists from Serbia Gabor Sagmajster start the ninth time in the competition. Last year, forced, fell and suffered a fracture of the hand. This year, plans to drive more slowly, to tactics, to complete the competition and to the longer been under the media spotlight and thus to repay their sponsors, old and new. There are about 60 small and large. The main sponsor for him, AMSS (Automobile Association of Serbia) considers him a realistic finisher somewhere around 10th place among private owners, overall in approximately 40 cities, among the riders.

Gabor Sagmajster Dakar 2016

Tek pred start svake etape takmičari dobijaju putnu knjigu, sa takozvanim ček piontima, tačkama koje uz pomoć navigacije treba da nađu. Kako kaže Gabor, kao da ste u malom čamcu na okeanu i treba da nađete 60 malih ostrva koje ne vidite.

Voziće svoj stari motocikl KTM 450 Rally Replica, 75 ks, kojim se takmičio i prošle godine. Motocikl je godine proizvodnje 2011., nabavljen 2014., repariran te godine u fabrici KTM, a 2015. je prešao oko 1.500 km na takmičenju Dakar 2015, pre odustajanja, i još oko 2.500 km na takmičenju Abu Dabi Rally Challenge, ukupno oko 4.000 km, a Gabor smatra da je u odličnom stanju i da će ga poslužiti na predstojećem takmičenju bez problema.

• Only at the start of each stage competitors will be awarded a travel book, with so-called check point, the points with the help of navigation should find. According to Gabor, like you're in a small boat on the ocean and you need to find 60 small islands that you can not see. Will drive his old motorcycle KTM 450 Rally Replica, 75 hp, which competed last year. Motorcycle is the year 2011, purchased in 2014, and refurbished in the factory KTM, and in 2015 transferred about 1,500 km competition Dakar 2015, before giving up, and another 2,500 km to contest Abu Dhabi Rally Challenge, a total of about 4,000 km and Gabor considered to be in excellent condition and will be used in the upcoming smoothly.

Gabor Sagmajster Dakar 2016

KTM je izbacio i najnoviju verziju ovog motocikla, lakši je za 20 kg i ima elektronsko ubrizgavanje goriva, za razliku od karburatora na Gaborovom, što je velika prednost naročito na velikim nadmorskim visinama. Kada dodate gas tačno znate kako će motor reagovati. Snaga je praktično ista, 75 ks. Ali, za ovaj motocikl treba odvojiti oko 35.000 Eura.

Osim motocikla, kako kaže Gabor, na takmičenju Dakar 2016 i on će biti stari, 44 godina. Ipak, za ovakav tip takmičenja to nisu neke godine. Vredno je trenirao cele godine pod budnim okom dugogodišnjeg trenera Zorana Ivanovića, u odličnoj je kondiciji, ali kao i ranijih godina ima problema sa prevelikom težinom. I ima 7 šrafova u levom ramenu.

• KTM has released the latest version of this bike, lighter by 20 kg and has an electronic fuel injection, in contrast to the carburetor on Gabor, which is a big advantage especially at high altitudes. When the throttle know exactly how the motor will react. Power is practically the same, 75 hp. But, for the bike to be separated around 35,000 euros.

In addition to the motorcycle, according to Gabor, the competition in Dakar in 2016 and he will be aged 44 years. However, for this type of competition is not some years. It is worth practicing all year round under the watchful eye of long-time coach Zoran Ivanovića, is in great shape, but as in previous years, there are problems with overweight. I have seven screws in the left shoulder.

Gabor Sagmajster Dakar 2016

Ove godine je promenio tim, Team Kaiser, i voziče za tim iz Rumunije, AutoNet Team. Predhodni tim jer bio odličan, ali malo skup. Sada mora da se štedi. I partner na takmičenju, sa kojim se ispomaže, je novi. Miran Stanovnik iz Slovenije ove godine nije imao dovoljno sredstava i neće učestvovati. Društvo će mu praviti Mađar iz Rumunije Emanuel Gyenes, sa kojim se isto dobro poznaje. Kao prateće vozilo nabavljen je novi Mercedes Sprinter 4x4. U planu je da odvoza jubilarni 10. Dakar, 2017. godine, pa da pređe na četiri točka. Već je u razgovorima sa timom iz Mađarske, SandLander Team, automobil Toyota Land Cruiser. Nada se da će se svi planovi ostvariti.

Uzgred, jedan primerak časopisa Auto bi trebalo sa Gaborom i njegovom ekipom da ode put Južne Amerike, kako bi se fotogarfisao kao dokaz da je bio na ovoj velikoj avanturi.

• This year we changed the team, Team Kaiser, and toy train for those from Romania, AutoNet Team. Earlier this because it was good, but a little expensive. Now he has to save. I partner in the competition, with which help each other, the new. Miran Stanovnik of Slovenia this year did not have sufficient funds and will not participate. Will be accompanied by a Hungarian Romanian Emanuel Gyenes, whom he also knows well. As a support vehicle was purchased new a Mercedes Sprinter 4x4.

The plan is that the removal of 10th annual Dakar, in 2017, but to switch to four wheels. It is already in talks with a team from Hungary, SandLander Team, car a Toyota Land Cruiser.

He hopes that all the plans are realized.

By the way, a copy of Auto should be with Gabor and his team to go all the way to South America, as photo proof and evidence that he was in this great adventure.

Gabor Sagmajster Dakar 2016

Gabor Sagmajster and All Car Central's reporter Ljubomir Ivanović

Gabor Sagmajster Dakar 2016

Stories and photos submited by Ljubomir Ivanović

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